Thursday, August 30, 2012

Preston MTC

Sister Janet Williams was kind enough to take photos of our missionary arriving at the Preston MTC.
Here's her email.

You are invited to view England Missionary Training Center's photo album: August 30, 2012 England Missionary Training Group
August 30, 2012 England Missionary Training Group
Aug 30, 2012
by England Missionary Training Center
Activities and experiences of the August 30, 2012 Group at the England MTC
Message from England Missionary Training Center:
Dear Parents and Families,
We invite you to share this Picasa Web Album of your missionary’s England MTC experience. We will post pictures regularly of their various activities. Please let me and your missionary know when you are able to view the pictures.
Thank you so much for sharing your precious sons and daughters. They have all arrived safe and sound, had a good dinner, been properly hugged and welcomed and are now tucked in bed after a very exciting and tiring day.
Sis. Janet Williams – England Missionary Trainiing Center
If you are having problems viewing this email, copy and paste the following into your browser:
To share your photos or receive notification when your friends share photos, get your own free Picasa Web Albums account.

Brad looks happy to have landed and nearly made it to his destination.

I'd swim the pond for some of those homemade bagels:)

Email your parents "write" away!

"I've Arrived"

Yeah i finally got here and i'm so tired.... I couldn't sleep during the fligh just because it was so bumpy and stuff like that. I was going to tell you about the awesome people I met that made my flights so much easier, and that was such a blessing. I felt like I didn't express how much I love you guys when I left you at the gate of the airport. I haven't cried yet but I'm probably going to writing this email... :( I'm just supposed to say i got here safely... but i type to fast for them to tell me not to tell you a whole long story. My P days are on tuesdays so expect my emails then. I also met Bro and Sis White who might also email you. And... all these people have crazy accents!!! Its like watching PBS shows nonstop with classic theatre and stuff. Also you'll recieve a web invitation to the Picasa Web Album from my MTC president's wife so you can see all these pictures of me doing awesome stuff :) I love you guys so much and i can't wait till I get to email you guys again. Tell Mark and Shannon and Whitney and Daniel that I care about them and hope to see them soon. Show them the pictures of me ok? Oh... and driving on the left side of the road is just freaking weird. I'd better be done for now... the missionary next to me only has a paragraph while I have a whole novel... lol :) I'll talk to you guys soon.

Love your best missionary son,


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Friends Above

So, I was experiencing on and off weepy periods during the day Elder Smith departed and the following email from Robert Silcock perked me right up. I don't know Robert, but I think he's awesome!:

"Your son is sitting right in front of me on our flight to England.  We will be traveling all the way together.  My wife and I and another couple are from Burley, Idaho and going to England for a 3 week vacation.  Your son is so excited to go but has that look of can't believe I am leaving ln his eyes.  Reminds me of my look and feeling 39 years ago as I left for Germany on my mission.  He will do great and be fine. You need to be grateful and proud."

Departure for the Preston MTC

After four months of preparation and waiting and gaming:) Brad has left home to jump the Pond. He expects a warm British welcome at the Preston MTC at 1AM mountain standard time.  I miss this guy, but I'm also very excited for him.